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Pouring Footings: Small Modular Cabin

Pouring Footings: Small Modular Cabin

The very next day a truck backed in with a concrete pump. There was no rain in the near forecast, so we are going to have our footers* poured. I will be so relieved. Last time our footers took months and cost tens of thousands 

Leveling the Building Site, Digging the Footers and Footer Inspection: Small Modular Cabin

Leveling the Building Site, Digging the Footers and Footer Inspection: Small Modular Cabin

As soon as we got the permit, they started cutting into the bank to make a level building site. This will be the back of the house.  The site seemed pretty level already, but now it is really level. He cut the top of the 

Approved Permit and Inspection Schedule for our Small Modular Cabin

Approved Permit and Inspection Schedule for our Small Modular Cabin

We don’t have a permit yet, but we have a job box ready for it. It should not take this long to get a permit, so Taylor went down again to try to shepherd it through. They said they had sent me an email about 

Remediating a Crushed and Overflowing Culvert – Site Prep for Small Modular Cabin

Remediating a Crushed and Overflowing Culvert – Site Prep for Small Modular Cabin

It rained all night and water was flowing over the field behind our house. Cliff went out in the rain to see what was going on with our construction area. The field behind our house was flooded and the waterway behind our house was overflowing. 

Clearing and Driveway – Site Prep for our Small Modular Cabin

Clearing and Driveway – Site Prep for our Small Modular Cabin

While we wait for permits, we can put in the driveway and clear and level the site. Nothing happened for a few days. While we waited for the contractor to get back the estimates from the subcontractors, it rained. And rained and rained and rained. 

Can I take my Tiny Home off on my taxes?

Can I take my Tiny Home off on my taxes?

Can I take my Tiny Home off on my taxes? Maybe. You may be able to deduct taxes or interest.  There are also office or business use deductions you could qualify for. It is absolutely worth looking into. Talk to a QUALIFIED tax professional about 

Site Preparation for Our New Modular Cabin

Site Preparation for Our New Modular Cabin

The Cabin Planning Guide from Westwood Cabins lists three phases and we are nearly at the end of the last phase, site work to get our property ready for the home. Westwood Cabins suggested a local contractor, Taylor Fowler. He had helped with a cabin 

Airbnb Shipping Container and Student Shipping Container Housing

Airbnb Shipping Container and Student Shipping Container Housing

BBC Unexpected Elements podcast this week concluded with a brief piece about staying in an Airbnb Shipping Container and Student Shipping Container Housing. Chhavi Sachdev: I’ve experienced firsthand what a container feels like because I went to stay in an Airbnb which was a tiny 

Plans and Blueprints for Round Houses and Octagon Houses

Plans and Blueprints for Round Houses and Octagon Houses

Some round houses are actually round, but most of them are made from panels, so they are actually octagon, nine sided nonagon (or enneagon), 10-sided decagon or any other polygon shape. There are some advantages to houses with more than four sides. They stand up 

Small Modular Cabin Construction: HVAC

Small Modular Cabin Construction: HVAC

The HVAC Plan includes the mini-split heat pump head units (the inside part) and the condenser (the outside part). Plus it includes the bathroom exhaust fan, range hood vent and dryer vent. Mini-split Heat Pump The cabin has two Samsung Quantum Wall Mounted Heat Pump