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Water and Sewer Taps for Our Not-So-Tiny House

Water and Sewer Taps for Our Not-So-Tiny House

We have taps! We can finally move forward! We’ve been waiting for water and sewer taps. We applied when we started this whole thing. They let us pay for them on March 4. Finally, on May 1, they came out and put them in.  For 

Gutters for the Little Modular Cabin

Gutters for the Little Modular Cabin

We are still waiting for the city. We can’t move forward until we have water and sewer connections. We were going to wait until we had added the permanent porch to add gutters, but after a few good rains, we decided to go ahead. It’s 

Rustic Post and Beam Cabin Kits

Rustic Post and Beam Cabin Kits

This $120,000 Rustic Post and Beam Cabin Kit builds a 3000 garage with a 1320 square foot apartment upstairs.  Custom kits average $20 a square foot and finished Post and Beam homes start at $55 a square foot. You can also buy pressure treated or 

Nordic Garden Allotment Houses

Nordic Garden Allotment Houses

This photo showed up on Facebook of houses surrounded by oval hedges with no roads. The caption was nonsense, so I used Google Image Search to see what it really is, De Runde Haver or Oval Gardens, Nærum, Denmark. The gardens are in Nærum, Denmark, 

Red 1 Bed, 1 Bath + Laundry Park Model for $79,200

Red 1 Bed, 1 Bath + Laundry Park Model for $79,200

Someone sent me a photo of this cabin on Facebook Marketplace. It is on an Asheville Garage Sale Group, but the cabin is in Pensacola, FL. The post did not say a lot so I did some research and this is what I found. 2024 

Vent Wells and the Crawl Space Vapor Barrier

Vent Wells and the Crawl Space Vapor Barrier

We want as few steps as possible to get into the cabin from the (future) carport. But that means the ground comes up pretty close to the foundation vents. The inspector decided it is too close, so we have to add Vent Wells. We don’t 

Finishing the Modular Cabin On-site Connection

Finishing the Modular Cabin On-site Connection

The carpenter finished the area where the cabin is attached to the foundation. This is the part of the process I have had the most questions about, so I’m telling you everything I’ve seen. The cabin is attached to the foundation and has passed another 

Attaching the Modular Cabin to the Foundation

Attaching the Modular Cabin to the Foundation

After the cabin was placed by the crane, a carpenter showed up to attach the cabin to the sill plate on the block foundation. Sill Plate : How the Modular Home Attaches to the Foundation > This part of the plan shows the Typical Wall 

Crane Day! Part 1: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

Crane Day! Part 1: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

The crane was rescheduled because of weather. First thing yesterday morning the dogs lost their minds. Trucks and a crane were pulling in. We are finally going to have the cabin out of the mud and sitting on the foundation! It had been beautiful for 

Crane Day! Part 2: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

Crane Day! Part 2: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

On Crane Day! Part 1, the crane was set up and the cabin was prepared. They lifted one end of the cabin with cable on a spreader bar and slid a second cable under the cabin. They put a bunch of blocks and timbers under