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Attaching the Modular Cabin to the Foundation

Attaching the Modular Cabin to the Foundation

After the cabin was placed by the crane, a carpenter showed up to attach the cabin to the sill plate on the block foundation. Sill Plate : How the Modular Home Attaches to the Foundation > This part of the plan shows the Typical Wall 

Crane Day! Part 1: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

Crane Day! Part 1: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

The crane was rescheduled because of weather. First thing yesterday morning the dogs lost their minds. Trucks and a crane were pulling in. We are finally going to have the cabin out of the mud and sitting on the foundation! It had been beautiful for 

Crane Day! Part 2: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

Crane Day! Part 2: Putting the Modular Cabin on the Foundation

On Crane Day! Part 1, the crane was set up and the cabin was prepared. They lifted one end of the cabin with cable on a spreader bar and slid a second cable under the cabin. They put a bunch of blocks and timbers under 

Timberstone Log Cabins from $28,500

Timberstone Log Cabins from $28,500

These little log cabins are on Facebook Marketplace. You can have one delivered, finished inside for as little as $28,500. Tiny Log Cabin $28,500 This 12’x24′ Cabin is $28,500 includes the pine flooring, insulation, wiring, and free delivery within 50 miles. Tiny Log Cabin $28,500 

Take a Look Inside the Cabin

Take a Look Inside the Cabin

The cabin is stuck in the mud in front of the foundation. Now that the rain has stopped, it doesn’t look nearly as bad. A guy from a crane company is coming on Monday to take a look at the situation. The crane is scheduled 

The Cabin is Delivered!

The Cabin is Delivered!

The weather has been beautiful, but the night before the cabin was to be delivered it rained. And rained and rained and rained. As the sun came up there were puddles everywhere and it was cold and pouring rain. Westwood Cabins sent us an email 

Pre-Fab, Custom Built and DIY Kit A-Frame Cabins

Pre-Fab, Custom Built and DIY Kit A-Frame Cabins

There are advantages and drawbacks to an A-Frame cabin. They can be less expensive to build. But the roof slope means less usable space. Some of the companies that build sheds also build affordable completed A-frame cabins that they set up on your site. Some 

Cabin Progress Report

Cabin Progress Report

I’ve been asked for a floor plan with a progress list with links, so here it is. Click to Open a printable floor plan with measurements Westwood Cabin Floor Plan and Front Elevation Modified Creekside Manor 3016 14′-8″ x 52′-0″ Approved for North Carolina This 

Footing Drains for the Little Pre-fab Cabin

Footing Drains for the Little Pre-fab Cabin

Taylor showed up Friday and dropped off a load of gravel. He says it’s to put in the foundation drains. Foundation drains or footing drains are put in just outside the foundation walls to drain water away so it won’t seep into the foundation. Ours 

Sill Plate: How the Modular Home Attaches to the Foundation

Sill Plate: How the Modular Home Attaches to the Foundation

How do you connect a modular home to the foundation? The foundation connects to a sill plate with anchor bolts. Then the cabin will attach to the sill plate. There is a seal between the block and the wood to keep moisture from wicking through.