Plans and Blueprints for Round Houses and Octagon Houses

Plans and Blueprints for Round Houses and Octagon Houses

Some round houses are actually round, but most of them are made from panels, so they are actually octagon, nine sided nonagon (or enneagon), 10-sided decagon or any other polygon shape. There are some advantages to houses with more than four sides. They stand up 

What Does a Round House Look Like Inside?

What Does a Round House Look Like Inside?

When we were deciding what to build, my husband really wanted a round house. Deltec Homes is near us, so we see a lot of round homes. My dad built “rondettes” at Connestee Falls near Brevard, NC back in the ’70s. I couldn’t even imagine 

Front Load 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Factory Built Home on Facebook Marketplace

Front Load 2 Bedroom, 2 Bath Factory Built Home on Facebook Marketplace

This 2 bed 2 bath 1056 sq ft Mobile Home just showed up on Facebook Marketplace. It is at Regional Homes of Piedmont. The listing doesn’t say much, but you can see more photos. 2 Beds 2 Baths 1056 sq ft Mobile Home The house 

Small Backyard Farmhouses Book with Open Source House Plans

Small Backyard Farmhouses Book with Open Source House Plans

I’ve been sharing the free house plans for Jay Osborne’s small farmhouses as the designs have evolved. Now, the book is available. It includes the basic plans. More details are available free. They are designed to be easy to modify. Each can be as small 

Katrina Cottages, Mississippi Cottages and MAHP Park Models: Part 2

Katrina Cottages, Mississippi Cottages and MAHP Park Models: Part 2

Katrina Cottages, Mississippi Cottages and Park Model Tiny Houses from the Mississippi Alternative Housing Program were developed to provide emergency housing following natural disasters that could continue to be homes to improve the quality of life on into the future. Cottages and  Park Models Features 

Katrina Cottages, Mississippi Cottages and MAHP Park Models: Part 1

Katrina Cottages, Mississippi Cottages and MAHP Park Models: Part 1

After Hurricane Katrina, more than 20,000 campers and trailers were sent to the Gulf Coast. FEMA has been providing emergency housing, but it was meant to be temporary. This time the areas affected and the amount of damage meant it was going to take longer 

My Favorite Books: Cottages by Brian Coleman and Douglas Keister

My Favorite Books: Cottages by Brian Coleman and Douglas Keister

I want to share another of my favorite home design books. Cottages by Brian Coleman with photos by Douglas Keister is filled with inspiration. If small houses make you happy, I’m sure you will love this book, too. Cottages by Brian Coleman (Author), Douglas Keister 

Free Plans for a 24×24 or 24×36 Cabin from the Agricultural Extension Office

Free Plans for a 24×24 or 24×36 Cabin from the Agricultural Extension Office

Did you know you can get free plans from Agricultural Extension? We found out about Agricultural Extension when we left Miami for North Carolina to be farmers. The N.C. Cooperative Extension helped us identify bugs and know what to do about them. They tested our 

Base Price $16,350 12×24 Cabin Shell – Pine View Buildings Small Home Solutions

Base Price $16,350 12×24 Cabin Shell – Pine View Buildings Small Home Solutions

Pine View Buildings builds finish-yourself cabin shells that meet residential construction standards. You can order the size you need at a price you can afford. You can even make low monthly payments with no background check. The outside is complete and dried in. Finish the 

Base Price $22,900 14×32 Cabin Shell – Pine View Buildings Small Home Solutions

Base Price $22,900 14×32 Cabin Shell – Pine View Buildings Small Home Solutions

Pine View Buildings sells cabin shells that meet house building code. Here they are built to NC residential building code. They are built in Statesville, NC and can be delivered across the coastal south east. These are finish-yourself cabins. The outside is done, the inside