Compact Meadowridge Amish Built ADU Cabins

Compact Meadowridge Amish Built ADU Cabins

The Meadow Ridge Cabin ADU Series built by Amish Built Cabins are modular homes, built to residential building codes. From 240 to 832 square foot floor plans, they are livable homes with a compact footprint.  You can order them as a factory-finished cabin or as 

Smart Shelters, Safe Shelters or Safe Space Shelters

Smart Shelters, Safe Shelters or Safe Space Shelters

Since Helene, people are staying with friends or family or in campers or tents. Some people have found rentals, but they were already in short supply even before the storm and landslides damaged “an estimated 126,000 homes” in western North Carolina.* FEMA has been paying 

2 Beds 2 Baths Front Load Single Wide for $79,900

2 Beds 2 Baths Front Load Single Wide for $79,900

This is one of the mobile homes that has shown up on Facebook Marketplace since the hurricane. It is one quick solution to SOMEWHERE to live if your home is gone. 2 Beds 2 Baths Single Wide for $79,900 900 square feet 2 beds · 

Edith Farnsworth Modern One Room House

Edith Farnsworth Modern One Room House

The one room glass and steel Edith Farnsworth House seems to float above the ground. It was designed in the International style of Modern architecture by Mies van der Rohe. In 1945, Edith Farnsworth purchased nine acres of beautiful wooded property on the Fox River 

Ira Fernando Small House Plans from $2.00

Ira Fernando Small House Plans from $2.00

Architect Ira Fernando has been designing US code compliant homes for over 23 years. Small house plans start at $1.99 for digital copies. Printed copies start at $19.99. The printed plans have 24 pages.  It includes construction plans with all of the schedules; foundation, footing, 

Compact Cottages Custom Built on Your Land from under $200k

Compact Cottages Custom Built on Your Land from under $200k

Compact Cottages is a local (Asheville area) company that builds small efficient houses from pre-fabricated pieces for “between $200k – $350k for a brand new home (not including land costs).”  The houses are cost-effective, with a small footprint. Floor plans are logical, with every inch 

Finish-Yourself Cabins from $2,490 to $14,980

Finish-Yourself Cabins from $2,490 to $14,980

Someone recommended a cabin shell on Facebook Marketplace. The cabin is finished on the outside, but the inside is completely unfinished. The seller has a lot of different sizes and prices from $2,490 to $14,980.  They look like log cabins on the outside, built with 

Geodesic Dome Homes

Geodesic Dome Homes

Someone asked me to take a look at the Dome House on Facebook Marketplace. I searched “dome” and found three local and a lot more outside my local area. This is the  one she wanted me to see. 19.7ft (6m) Dome Home – it’s available!!! 

Nordic Garden Allotment Houses

Nordic Garden Allotment Houses

This photo showed up on Facebook of houses surrounded by oval hedges with no roads. The caption was nonsense, so I used Google Image Search to see what it really is, De Runde Haver or Oval Gardens, Nærum, Denmark. The gardens are in Nærum, Denmark, 

Pre-Fab, Custom Built and DIY Kit A-Frame Cabins

Pre-Fab, Custom Built and DIY Kit A-Frame Cabins

There are advantages and drawbacks to an A-Frame cabin. They can be less expensive to build. But the roof slope means less usable space. Some of the companies that build sheds also build affordable completed A-frame cabins that they set up on your site. Some