PMHI Sonoma Granny Flat Panelized Building Kit from $37,683

PMHI Sonoma Granny Flat Panelized Building Kit from $37,683

The Sonoma panelized granny flat kit from Pacific Modern Homes makes a 682 square foot home on a 31 x 22 footprint. The plan includes a small covered entry porch. The Sonoma panelized kit home design features a welcoming Living/Dining area with vaulted ceilings and 

36 x 24 Log Cabin Home Shell Kit

36 x 24 Log Cabin Home Shell Kit

King Log and Beam sells log cabin kits starting at $20,838.00. This 36 x 24 Log Cabin Home Shell Kit to build a log cabin with two bedrooms and a large loft is listed on eBay for $42,000.00. LOG CABIN HOME shell kit logs 1266 

1,116 square foot Pearlman Mountain Cabin

1,116 square foot Pearlman Mountain Cabin

The 1,116 square foot Pearlman Mountain Cabin is in the Idyllwild art community of Mount San Jacinto, California. It was designed by a renowned architect, then built by family. The cabin was designed and built to be a weekend cottage for the family of a 

Edith Farnsworth Modern One Room House

Edith Farnsworth Modern One Room House

The one room glass and steel Edith Farnsworth House seems to float above the ground. It was designed in the International style of Modern architecture by Mies van der Rohe. In 1945, Edith Farnsworth purchased nine acres of beautiful wooded property on the Fox River 

New 2-Bedroom Single Section Modular Cabin from Blue Ridge Log Cabins

New 2-Bedroom Single Section Modular Cabin from Blue Ridge Log Cabins

Blue Ridge Log Cabins builds log cabins in a factory off of I-26 north of Spartanburg, South Carolina, just before the North Carolina state line. You can tour model log cabins and other cabins that are built on site and delivered to your own land. 

Build this 16 x 24 Cabin with Loft for under $6,000

Build this 16 x 24 Cabin with Loft for under $6,000

Build this 16 x 24 Cabin for under $6,000. This 384 square foot cabin is designed to be easy and inexpensive to build. It has a small entry porch and a high 12/12 roof pitch to fit a loft. The Blue Prints meet most state 

Ira Fernando Small House Plans from $2.00

Ira Fernando Small House Plans from $2.00

Architect Ira Fernando has been designing US code compliant homes for over 23 years. Small house plans start at $1.99 for digital copies. Printed copies start at $19.99. The printed plans have 24 pages.  It includes construction plans with all of the schedules; foundation, footing, 

Compact Cottages Custom Built on Your Land from under $200k

Compact Cottages Custom Built on Your Land from under $200k

Compact Cottages is a local (Asheville area) company that builds small efficient houses from pre-fabricated pieces for “between $200k – $350k for a brand new home (not including land costs).”  The houses are cost-effective, with a small footprint. Floor plans are logical, with every inch 

Plans and Blueprints for Round Houses and Octagon Houses

Plans and Blueprints for Round Houses and Octagon Houses

Some round houses are actually round, but most of them are made from panels, so they are actually octagon, nine sided nonagon (or enneagon), 10-sided decagon or any other polygon shape. There are some advantages to houses with more than four sides. They stand up 

What Does a Round House Look Like Inside?

What Does a Round House Look Like Inside?

When we were deciding what to build, my husband really wanted a round house. Deltec Homes is near us, so we see a lot of round homes. My dad built “rondettes” at Connestee Falls near Brevard, NC back in the ’70s. I couldn’t even imagine