Blue and White Cross Stitch Curtains from a Table Cloth

I found this great tablecloth on eBay. It is white with wonderful cross stitch in cobalt blue. The pattern looks kinda Scandinavian.
The size seemed just right to make curtains for the guest room.

You can likely see how I cut it.

One end made the valance and the rest made the curtains. It looks yellow in the photo, but it’s not.

I flipped them to put the edging in the middle.

I bought the cafe rods on Amazon, Decopolitan Ball Single Telescoping Drapery Rod Set. They were really cheap. The rods are fine, metal. But the ends are really cheap plastic. I plan to use these glass balls I have as the ends instead, but I haven’t found the box they are in. These look fine for now.

The curtains are held up with Toofn Curtain Clips. They were really cheap, too, but seem to be fine.

I put a roller blind behind it, so that a guest can sleep in. You can’t really see it until you pull the blind down. It is the kind of blind that has a ball chain to pull it up and down. I really hate the spring loaded ones.
I’m thinking I might like to paint something on the blind. I’ve seen that.
Anyway, that’s it. Short post, but it turned out great! I really like it and it cost hardly anything.
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