Roof pitch on an A-Frame with Bump-out Shed Dormer

This A-frame house is in our neighborhood.

If this feels like a re-run, I wrote a short post about this last year. But we were on a different road and realized we can see the back of it here.

So this blog post is more about the roof lines and angles.

This view gives you a good idea of the roof lines.

It looks like the shed roof is a 4/12 pitch and the A-frame is 15/12.

The slope ratio represents a certain amount of vertical rise for every 12 inches of horizontal run.
So a 4/12 roof pitch rises 4 inches for every 12 inches. The most common roof pitch is from 4/12 to 9/12.
The A-frame roof looks like a 15/12. That gives 51.34° angle.

An A-frame cuts off a lot of the height, so adding the shed roof area gives a lot more usable space.

There is also a bump out closet. They put in a garden window.

One problem with A-frame houses is that they can be dark inside. That is why they put so much glass on the walls that are not all roof.

This shows the back of the house better. There are not really a lot of windows on this side.

Here is the closet bump out and the shed-roof bump out from the front.

This is the garage. There are a lot of trees, so you can’t see it clearly.

The floor plan is available on our county website. The closet bumps out 4′.
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