Hurricane Helene vs. the Westwood Cabin

The new Westwood Cabin is not in a flood zone and the area around it did not flood. The cabin got the rain and wind, but we had any trees that might fall on the cabin removed. Water rushed over the driveway, that’s it.
The little cabin was tight. Nothing leaked. No water blew in the windows. The cabin is just fine. Mom is just fine. She lost any food from her fridge and freezer that she did not move over to our house, but that’s it.

It is not in the 100 Year Flood area
The cabin is up the hill from us. So mom had a good view of the water rushing by. She did not take any photos.

Mom’s house is up the hill to the right from where this photo is taken. So she got to watch the trees come down and flow down the flooded brook.

This is the waterway Taylor Fowler remediated this spring. It really worked to keep the water overflowing from Stoney Mountain contained. (The photo was taken through the rain.)
Before grading, water coming off the mountain poured over where we put the cabin. The waterway and berms kept the water going down the hill instead of surrounding the cabin.

This is what it looks like after the storm. The waterway did not erode at all.

You can see how everything growing was flattened, but no damage at all.

This driveway was under feet of rushing water, higher than the guard rail there by the brook.

The flood deposited a lot silt and sand and washed some of the gravel away, but that’s it. No damage at all.
Mom was without water, electricity, phone, cell, text and internet and TV for days, but it is all back now.
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