Packet from FEMA about Flood Insurance

A packet came from FEMA today.
They want to make very sure that we have flood insurance and that we get it that insurance for the building only covers the contents if we buy insurance coverage for the contents.
You might be interested, if you are still debating building or buying a house that is in a flood zone.

There are two copies of the same document. One is to be signed and returned in the provided envelope. The other is for us to keep.

They sent another document that tells us how to find out our property’s flood loss history. Probably there isn’t one, since this was a cow field.

The third page reminds us that our insurance is with Southern Farm Bureau, in case we forgot. And states that the property has no losses on file.
“The information provided below is the flood insurance loss payment history for claims paid by the national flood insurance program since 1978 for the above property address. “
No losses on file… cow field.

They also sent a really helpful handbook. It has some really useful information on how to make sure you have any documentation you will need to get paid if there is a flood.
I found it as a PDF, so you can download it.
There is plenty of specific, clear information. The back of the booklet has space to write things down.
National Flood Insurance Program Claims Handbook from FEMA PDF >
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