Sentricon Subterranean Termite Pest System

Last year when they were building we saw these green plugs in the ground that looked like maybe a pop-up sprinkler system. They are labeled Sentricon, so I googled it.

Sentricon is a subterranean termite pest system made by Dow. These green things are in-ground bait stations. “24/7 protection now and well into the future.”

It’s been a year, so Terminix came out to check them. This is what they look like inside.

The guy from Terminix opened each bait station, scanned the barcode, and looked for any sign that termites had been at the bait.

Everything looks fine.

They left us with this Service Complete report.
Your Terminix Termite Baiting System has been inspected today.
- Every station contains an improved termite bait, Rectuit HD.
- Your baiting system is Always-Active providing protection 24/7.
- This highly durable bait resists degradation by weather.
- It’s highly desirable by termites and actually preferred over wood.
- Due to its high density, it has over double the amount of bait as previous Rectuit bait tubes.
As a result of this innovative technology, Terminix will inspect and service your termite baiting system annually.
If you have questions regarding your propert’s protection from termites, please call us at 1-800-TERMINIX (837-6464) or visit us at
Are you impressed?

Recruit HD Termite Bait devices were evaluated and maintained in all accessible stations around your structure for the control of subterranean termites.
Each Recruit HD Termite Bait device contains 150 grams of Novifumoron .05%.No active termites.
16 stations, barcode detected.
Each bait station has a unique barcode.
Termite Bait Systems with a Unique Barcode
Recently, advances have been made to provide for the targeted delivery of pesticide chemicals… Another example directed to termite control is the SENTRICON TERMITE COLONY ELIMINATION SYSTEM™ of Dow AgroSciences LLC… In this system, a number of units each having a termite edible material, are placed in the ground about a dwelling to be protected. The units are inspected routinely by a pest control service for the presence of termites, and inspection data is recorded with reference to a unique barcode label associated with each unit. If termites are found in a given unit, a bait is installed that contains a slow-acting pesticide intended to be carried back to the termite nest to eradicate the colony.
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