IKEA Ektorp Sofa

We are getting the log cabin ready to be a vacation cabin. Since we are taking most of the furniture with us, we have to buy a lot of things.
I have always liked the IKEA Ektorp Sofa. It is really comfortable and you can wash the slip cover.
IKEA isn’t close. The closest one is in Charlotte. And, even though the sofa comes in boxes, the boxes are too big to fit in the Edge and still be able to shut the back door. (The Ikea website gives you the dimensions of the boxes, so you can measure.)
Then I had an epiphany. I figure maybe someone closer has one they would like to sell. And then we could just get a new slip cover for it, if it needed it.

I made a Wanted poster and put it on the Facebook Garage Sale pages. Great idea! I was really surprised how many people contacted me with Ektorp Sofas they were willing to part with.

We found one in excellent condition not far from home. We got the sofa and the matching chair. The slip covers were in excellent condition, but I had seen some on Amazon at a really good discount, so I bought those, too. That way if something happens, I can quickly swap covers.

So, here is the living room with the new sofa and chair.

I used the panorama on the iPhone, so the photo is a little weird. This is the only way I could get both pieces in the same photo.
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