We have Power & Finishing Up

The snow has rained away and they aren’t saying anything about people being without power anymore, so it should be our turn.

Tuesday we met Beau and Jessica for dinner at Papas & Beer. On the way home we drove by the house. Look! They have put in the power!

Now that we have light, the contractor marked all of the things for the painters to touch up with little pieces of blue tape. He noticed everything I had and more. I should not have worried.

Since we had a break in the weather, the painters could finish some of the outdoor painting. They filled the seam and painted the white stuff on the front of the house over the guestroom window and over the garage door.

They painted the front porch railings.

I really love the white paint!

We saw they have put these green plugs in the ground. They looked kinda like a pop-up sprinkler system. They are labeled Sentricon, so I googled it.
Sentricon is a subterranean termite pest system made by Dow. These green things are in-ground bait stations. “24/7 protection now and well into the future.” Sounds good.
We have power, but we don’t have gas yet. They have moved the valve, though, so they are ready.
We have a walk-through coming up. Then we may even be able to close by the end of this week!
They don’t have to have everything complete before the close. We can have a punch list and they have so many days to come back and finish. We’ve been making a list as we notice things, but so far things are finished without us having to say anything. The list reminds us what to check.
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