Plumbers Return Again

That night it poured. The trench filled up with water and the pipe pulled itself loose and floated to the top.

The water backed up into the tub.

While we watched, the rest of the pipe popped up.
The contractor noticed before I did and called the plumbers. They came out with a pump to empty the water out of the trench. They reconnected everything and the grader came out and buried it before anything else could happen.

I had seen the box with the ProFlo PFXT51 Water Heater Safety Tank. Then I couldn’t figure out where they put it. The thermal expansion tank is supposed to be put where the cold water enters the water heater to create a reservoir for the expanded water. It wasn’t anywhere near the hot water heater. Finally I found it on the cold water line under the house.

They finished hooking up the hot water heater. It is on a platform to make sure it is whatever number of feet that it has to be above flood plain.
They had to add an outlet for a motorized vent to make sure no gas fumes build up in the garage. The gas is hooked up, too, although they haven’t put the meter on yet.
They also put these steps with hand rails in the garage to the laundry room.
Next: Finishing the Plaster and Paint >
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