Putting in the Driveway, Carport and Sidewalk Continues

It took three cement trucks to fill the whole driveway, carport and the sidewalk. It went very fast, with a lot of guys rushing around moving the cement before it could setup. The first post is here Putting in the Driveway, Carport and Sidewalk.

This is the tool they use to edge the driveway.

This is how they get the groove into such a long space. With a really long pole.

The grooves don’t actually prevent the cement from cracking. It just creates a weakened spot for the crack to form where it won’t be seen.

They measured and used a 2×4 as a guide when they grooved the carport. They put in additional groves because the posts for the carport make corners that make the cement more likely to form cracks.

They added a broom finish so we are less likely to slip. A broom finish is actually added with a broom. After they had smoothed any pockets out of the cement and put in the lines, they pulled a stiff broom across the cement. At the end of each couple of sweeps, they brushed off the broom with a brush dipped in water.
The plumbers have hooked up the water in the house now, but we won’t turn it on until we have power so the pipes don’t freeze. The cement guys just walked over to the brook with a five gallon bucket. No problem!
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