Prepping and Painting Trim, Window Sills and Doors

While they were installing the cabinets, a crew was filling the holes in the base molding, door frames and window sills.
They said they were the CID Crew. I looked that up and the only thing I could find, (other than an Indian police procedural television series), is “Consider It Done” and an acronym on Sherwin Williams website for “Commercial Item Description.” They were wearing Sherwin Williams logos. I’ll ask the contractor. Perhaps I got the letters wrong.

Anyway, they filled all the nail holes in the baseboards.

This is the first girl on the job site.
They took off all the interior doors so they could fill the holes all the way around.

They filled any spaces where the molding met.
After the spackle dried, they sanded everything. Then they went back and used calking in some areas, like where the door frame pieces didn’t meet.

Before they left, they put blue tape and plastic over the bottom of the windows.
The next morning, Saturday, the kids came over for breakfast. We went to the new house so they could see the cabinets. The painters had sneaked in early and finished. The doors were painted and put back.

You can see where they sprayed the doors.

It looks like the base was painted with a brush and the doors and sills were sprayed.

They took the blue tape and plastic off.
Next: Bringing Natural Gas to the New House >
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