Interior Doors, Windowsills and Baseboard

A crew showed up today to put in the interior doors and door frames, the windowsills and the baseboard.

The first thing I noticed is that they put trim around the dryer vent. OK.
18 Feet? The length of the dryer vent?

The interior doors were all installed already. They must have gotten there very early.

The doors to the rooms had the holes for the handles already cut out. The closet doors weren’t cut out. No door knobs were at the house yet.
We bought glass door knobs for all the doors, but I don’t think we need to do anything about that yet.

When I got there the window sills were already cut and leaning in place. This guy went around and installed them.
First he made sure it was level. He used a shim on one side to push it up just a little, then he nailed it in.

Next he made sure it was square.

He put the bottom piece on holding it square.

So, here’s the window in our bedroom, done.
He also put the trim around the door.

This is the baseboard. I vaguely remember selecting it.

This guy is cutting the base.

Here it is installed.

Baseboard in our bedroom.

And the same window and door again with the baseboard.
They did not put any base on the dining room wall with the kitchen cabinets. I am guessing they will come back for that.
Next: Cabinets in the Kitchen and Baths >
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