Ceiling Medallions in the Dining Room and Entry

Cliff went ahead and put up the ceiling medallions in the entry and the dining room. The ceiling paint is done and we just wanted some progress.
Instructions say to put it up with liquid nails and screws. The new polyurethane is so light weight, we just used liquid nails.
We started with the little one in the entry.

Cliff put a squiggle of liquid nails on the part that touches the ceiling.

Then he just pushed it on over the box. He made sure it was perfectly centered to the box and held it till it seemed stuck.

Then he put the one up in the dining room.

This is a big ceiling medallion, but only the outside edge touches the ceiling.

Cliff put a squiggle of liquid nails around.

He climbed the ladder and stuck the medallion to the ceiling.

We centered it to the room and to the electric box. It slid on the glue.

Once we get into the house, I will put a little shrink-free spackle at the outside edge of the medallions where they meet the ceiling. It dries white, is easy to use (water clean up) and really makes the medallion look more like plaster.

They make liquid nails that is water-clean-up. That’s what we got, but we ended up not needing it, because Cliff got it only where he wanted it.
We aren’t going to hang the pendant and chandelier until the house is closer to done. I don’t want them broken or covered with paint overspray. (I tried to break the chandelier before we even got it up. I tripped over a box and fell on the chandelier box this morning at the cabin. We are living surrounded by boxes.)

Use longer screws and put the hang strap or plate on the outside of the medallion
Medallion Installation Hints:
- Medallion installation instructions are often written for older, heavier medallions.
If you buy one of the new ones, they are so very light weight, you won’t have to screw it in. Just glue it in place. - Instructions often tell you that you may need to purchase a longer threaded rod to hang the chandelier.
It is easier if you put the hanging strap on the outside of the medallion and secure it with longer screws.
Then you can just use all the normal parts that came with the chandelier.
Long screws are easy to come by. You probably have some in a coffee can.
The exact circumference and length threaded rod may be more of a search.
Ceiling Medallions for Under $10.00
You really can get a ceiling medallion for under $10.00! Really!
Ceiling Medallions as low as under $10.00:
- 7″ to 12″ Ceiling Medallions
- 12″ to 15″ Ceiling Medallions
- 15″ to 17″ Ceiling Medallions
- 17″ to 19″ Ceiling Medallions
- 19″ to 21″ Ceiling Medallions
- 21″ to 24″ Ceiling Medallions
- 24″ to 26″ Ceiling Medallions
- 26″ to 30″ Ceiling Medallions
- 30″ to 35″ Ceiling Medallions
- 35″ to 70″ Ceiling Medallions
- Contemporary Ceiling Medallions
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