Cabinets in the Kitchen and Baths

They got started on the cabinets really early. By the time I got there, the upper cabinets were all installed and they were working on the base cabinets.

They cut open all the boxes and lined them up where they go. Then they made sure they were all going to be level.

He was looking for the highest spot on the floor. If the floor is not level, it is easier to wedge a shim under low cabinets than to trim the bottom off cabinets that are high.
The floor was level. Good.

Then he made sure the cabinets were going to be level front to back.

He wedged a shim under the back of the first cabinet.

Each time he put in a new cabinet, he re-leveled them to each other.

He took the drawers out and removed the doors so he could clamp the cabinets to each other.

The island has blank pieces connecting the base cabinets.

They put molding at the top. They did a REALLY nice job.

Here is the kitchen with the cabinets installed.

This is what it looks like from the dining room side.

And from the living room. There will be a bar on top of the wall here.

This is the space for the dishwasher. You can see the blank bit.

The wood on the back of the wall is to hold up the countertop.

This is the sink base in the middle.
Bathroom Cabinets

They did the bathroom cabinets at the same time. This is the cut-out in the back of the bathroom cabinet.

They cut it with the same kind of attachment they use to put in door knobs. They had one for each size hole.

He leveled and pre-set the screws where the studs are. Then he pushed a shim between the cabinet and the wall for the screw to hit.

He secured the cabinet through the screw.
I will add more photos when the counter-tops are installed some time next week.
Next: Prepping and Painting Trim, Window Sills and Doors >
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