Comet Drive Streambank Restoration

This is part two of the posts about Streambank Restoration. If you want the whole story, start with Meadowbrook Terrace Streambank Restoration.
They are also restoring and repairing the streambanks where Meadow Brook goes behind our new house.
Our land ends at the brook. The brook is not actually on our land. But, the work they are doing is going to be partly on our land.
The land that is right next to ours is a Conservation Easement that is part of a trust.
This will be what we will see from the back our our house, the back porch, living room, bedroom, and Cliff’s office windows.
Comet Streambank Restoration

So this is the plan for by the new house.
They are going to move some underground pipes.
They are putting in four areas of riffle and making the stream meander more.

Planting Section

They plan to remove all of the vines and take out the old trees.
They will plant some kind of live stakes every twelve inches and three rows of 3′ plants spaced along all riffle banks and outside bends.
They will put in herbaceous plugs every 3′.
On our side of the stream they will put in a row of trees as a buffer at 12′ spacing and three shrubs per tree.
“Designer to field locate plants during construction.”
All disturbed banks shall be prepared, seeded and covered with erosion control matting.
They are going to put in a construction access driveway and a staging area on our land.
I think this will be good! They have surveyed and put stakes all over the place.
Meadowbrook Terrace Streambank Restoration
Meadowbrook Terrace Streambank Restoration Plan
Comet Drive Streambank Restoration Plan
The Out of Control Bamboo or Cane
The Broken Retaining Wall
Pond & Streambank Restoration at Patton Park
Day 1 Restoring the Streambank at the Log Cabin
Day 2 Restoring the Streambank at the Log Cabin
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