Tree House in Asheville

Last night on the news they had a treehouse that is a short term rental in Woodfin, near Asheville.
They interviewed two guests and the owner, Mike Parrish. Mike says he plans to add 10 more treehouses and a hobbit home, “Something right out of “Lord of the Rings.”
They showed around this actual small house actually supported by trees. Parrish named it the Treehouse of Serenity.

Is this a thing?
What do you think of if you think Tree House? Is this a thing? Do people build real houses in trees?

It was easy to find on Airbnb.
This is a thing.

If you search Airbnb, Click More filters > Unique homes > Show all unique homes >
You can choose Treehouse.

It shows you 14 homes just in the Asheville area, from “Camping Decks” to an actual tree house that you climb out of to reach a “Shared Bathrooms 450-550 ft. away.”
Look in other areas. They are everywhere.
The listing for Treehouse of Serenity says
This treehouse was built via an episode of The Treehouse Guys, on the DIY network which aired August of 2017! Just as exciting as an hour TV show, we were also featured in an HGTV & Travel Channel (Hidden by Airbnb) video which has been viewed more than 10 million times! Not to mention, local TV and print news.
The Treehouse Guys on the DIY network
I found it. It was on DIY Network Season 2, Episode 11
Asheville Crash Pad in the Trees
Sweet-talkin’ Ashevillians, Michael and Caroline Parrish, embody Southern hospitality. Constantly hosting and showing guests around Asheville, NC, they take pride in the stomping ground they call home. Hoping to create a one-of-a-kind experience on their 5-acre property, Michael and Caroline are excited to take advantage of their mountaintop view and build the ultimate crash pad in the trees. It doesn’t take long for the Treehouse Guys to get into the groove for this mountaintop build, chock-full of Southern charm and all the amenities of home.
You can watch the episode if you have Amazon Prime >
If you just want to watch the one episode, it is Episode 9. Asheville Crash Pad: The Treehouse Guys are in Asheville, NC, for a mountaintop build.
If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you can try it free for 30 days.
I don’t know how I missed this. Once I looked it was everywhere.
HGTV posted a video on Facebook. It shows views of the inside and explains some of the planning. (Accompanied by a lot of repetitive music. Might want to turn it down. ) Some of my Facebook Friends had liked it.

Visit the Sanctuary Treehouse in Asheville, NC
Scared to commit to a treehouse? Try this Asheville rental on for size.

The Mountain Xpress had an article in 2016 showing how the tree house was being built.
“When the DIY Network’s “Treehouse Guys” put out the word that the television show was looking for WNC property owners interested in constructing a treehouse on their land, two local couples — Michael and Caroline Parrish and Michael and Eva Greene — were among those vying to be chosen.”
Air Tree n’ Tree by Rachel Ingram posted on September 3, 2016

The tree house was on the cover of Homes & Land of Asheville, a real estate magazine.

It was tweeted by BarkClad, a company that makes bark siding. Their siding is on the Tree House.
On Oct 25, 2016 BarkClad USA tweeted, “Barkclad SMARTBARK chestnut- was featured on this treehouse seen on the cover of Asheville Homes and Land in SERENITY development!”
BarkClad has a photo of the tree house on their website, too.

Asheville Citizen Times had written an article about the Tree House. It is in the Dec. 26, 2017 issue. There are 25 photos.
The article tells how The Treehouse Guys from the DIY Network and builder Robert Anderson came to “complete the mountaintop project, a novelty lodging option amid an influx of tourists to the region.”
Earlier, March 9, 2016, Asheville Citizen Times Answer Man answered the question “Just north of Reynolds Mountain, there’s a huge concrete structure going up on the top of the mountain. It looks like some kind of water reservoir. What is it? Is the county building this? Did they permit it? I thought you couldn’t building anything on the ridge tops?”
The Answer Man interviewed Mike Parrish. He told him; “It’s about 60 acres, and we’ll have homes, as well as a short-term tree house rental development…”
Giant wall in Woodfin? Tree house development?
You heard right: Tree houses, houses and a B&B/events center. The tree house development, which Parrish will divulge more details on soon, will comprise about five acres and 20 live-in tree houses.
Treehouse of Serenity is part of a development named Serenity.
Asheville’s newest, all-season mountain community featuring stunning estate homesites, all with long-range views for sale. Just minutes to downtown!
I could not find the tree house on the Serenity website. But this is on the FAQ page.
- Are short term rentals allowed?
- Yes. Short term rentals are allowed with a minimum stay of 7 consecutive days. Serenity is located within the Town of Woodfin district and not within Asheville city limits. Homes within Asheville city limits are not allowed short term rentals shorter than 30 consecutive days (with some exceptions in the central business district).
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