Installing the Windows

We drove over to the new house this morning. They were wrapping up the wiring. And look! The windows and doors were delivered!

They window installer checked the plans, then carried each window to where it would be installed.
These directions are on the window. I hope we hired someone who already knows how.

This is the first window. It is the one in the master bath. First he pre-cut some flashing by just measuring against the window cut-out.

He rolled up the pieces of flashing and put them over the window where he could easily reach them.

He trimmed away some of the green building wrap and put on some of the flashing. It is FortiFlash Waterproof Flashing Membrane, a peel-and-stick flashing.

Next the installer put a bead of silicon on the window.

He put the window through the opening and pulled it into place.

He slid a couple of shims in and leveled the window front-to-back and side-to-side.

He put the rest of the flashing through the window and went around outside.

He finished applying the flashing and sealed the green wrap back in place.

Finally, he finished putting in the rest of the screws.
Below are the window installation instructions:

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