Block and Stucco

Cliff is home and we drove over to see how the block is going. Wow!

The entire outside is done and they are half done with the stucco, too.
I did not know the same crew does the stucco.

The outside is completely done. They are working on the piers inside.

This guy is putting the stucco on.
For longer walls he puts the stucco directly onto the long trowel, then puts it on and smooths it.

In some areas he carried the material over on the long trowel and puts it on with the pointed trowel. Then he smoothed it with the long trowel he had been carrying the stucco on.

These guys are smoothing the stucco down.

They smooth the stucco, clean around the vents and smooth around the flow-through block.
Cliff took his drone and got these shots.

Next: The Foundation is Marked and Sealed >
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