Project: Rhododendron Porch Railing

When I first bought the log cabin, the porch only had a top rail. I like the look of natural branch railings. Ivy, rhododendron, azalea or mountain laurel is used in place of balusters between the top and bottom rails to create an organic porch railing.

My dad surprised me with railings made from rhododendron. On his way to see my new house, he passed a neighbor removing a hedge. He picked up the branches they were cutting out and brought them to my new house.

Here’s how Dad built my porch rails.
First, he put in bottom rails. He notched the logs to fit them in.
Next, he laid out the sticks. Most of them were too twisty and short. He found the longest ones to start.
Then, he cut them at angles, so they would fit against the top and bottom rails.
He pre-drilled them, then screwed them into place.
Once he had the longest ones used up, he used the shorter pieces, attaching them to each other.
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