Historic Plans: California Bungalow Harris Home No. L-1000

Harris Homes were kit houses available after WWI. You could order your entire house, even the furnishings and have it delivered by train.
Here is a model bungalow of the charming California type. Viewed from any direction a passing glace is invariably turned to a look of prolonged admiration. With its wide over hanging eaves supported by heavy decorative brackets, the unique treatment of the side porch with its exposed rafters, this bungalow is graceful in structural lines, picturesque and substantial in appearance. Many types of the California bungalow are not practical in climates where the winters are sever. In developing this design our architects have exercised utmost care to combine the fascinating features of a true California bungalow with a convenient, comfortable interior properly constructed for any locality.

More Information
This blog has more information about Harris Homes, Harris Brothers Kit Houses and photos of some that were completed in Staunton, Virginia.
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