Our Classic Manor New Day Cabin – Part 2

This is part two. You need to start the story with Our Classic Manor New Day Cabin >
Once they got the first floor walls nailed together, they put in the stairs and the second story floor.

They are sliding the upstairs walls up.
They put the stairs together.

They just manhandled the walls up.

Before they put the last upstairs walls up, they put the roof pieces up there.

First thing the next morning, they put on the roof. It was all made from the new wood they brought.

They did not use the roof from the model at all. The roof was made from completely new materials. They let me pick the shingles, so it matches the log cabin.

Then they put on the porch. We had shoehorned the little house into the corner by our bump-out closet, so the porch could not fit the way it had in the Home Depot parking lot. They offered to cut it off, but we decided to have it stick out on the side, like a little deck.

They put the roof on the porch.
Next to finish the inside! And paint it to match the cabin.

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