The Little House: Weaner Cabins

Some of the older homes around me here in Western North Carolina have a Little House on their land.
When people first bought the land, they built a Little House to live in while they built their house.
Later, when their kids get married, they live in the Little House until they get settled on their own land.
This has a long tradition. Appalachian farm families called it the “weaner cabin.” It was the cabin for the son to bring his new bride to. It was far enough away from the family home for privacy, but close enough to still be part of the family. With often young marriages, it allowed for more gradual independence.
If you visit the Bud Ogle farm, near Gatlinburg Tennessee on the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail you can see the foundation of the Weaner Cabin. As you walk up the trail, look for rubble on the left. The Weaner Cabin was pretty close to the family cabin.
The weaner cabin must have been really small. The family cabin is only 18’ x 20’ in two sections.
Noah “Bud” Ogle Cabin, near Gatlinburg Tennessee >
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